1.in or to several different places
1.Certainly she was a good girl, but she was seen at all hours here and there about Bonneville and Guadalajara.
2.Throughout the years of my dating experience I've learned a few things here and there. Grab your notebook students, it's time for class.
3.He might jump in and handle a few tickets here and there, but his main responsibility was to step back and improve the department.
4.Here and there a bit of green or red light is used to highlight some spots, but they don't offend the eye.
5.But after careful proofreading and revision of the odd phrase here and there, that frosty error message continued to appear.
6.Also, a train strike had been paralyzing traffic for about a week, with only few trains in service here and there.
7.But here and there, perhaps there will be a touch of personal sadness as is true of any departure, a point to which I shall return.
8.(The children watched the rat running here and there in the tiger's cage. )They were more interested in the rat than in the tiger.
9.Besides tales and stories, here and there, another interesting scene is playing out in the city formerly known as Canton.
10.She'd be appalled to see how I live most of the time now, just soup and sandwiches and a meat dish here and there.